Supplier management and product pricing

  • 01 Mar 2015

Importing product data pricing in to Kitchen CUT is an important first step.

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1. How to fill out the ingredient price list

First of all, download the template. If you navigate to the ingredients import section in your account – – you will see a button at the top. Click on Download demo import file and use this template to add your supplier ingredients. You can either save a spreadsheet per supplier, or you can add them all to one list, it’s up to you how you prefer to manage this.

Next, you need to fill in the data. Depending on how you want to set up your ingredients you can do this with or without Allergens.

REMEMBER: Adding allergens to your ingredient list helps you to track which dishes contain specific allergens. When you use an ingredient within a recipe it will automatically flag that allergen. Where an ingredient is used in a sub-recipe and then used within a recipe, it will automatically update any recipe it’s used in, so you can trace it back wherever this may be used.

Without allergens

If you just wanted to fill out your ingredient list without your allergens please complete the following instructions – here’s an overview of the columns and what is required in each one:

  • Ingredient name: Description of ingredient or its name
  • Ingredient code: this is the supplier’s code number
  • Supplier name: Name of supplier
  • Ingredient category: This is the larger group category (e.g Fruit & Veg, Dry store, Meat, Fish, Dairy etc..)
  • *Ingredient sub category: This is optional you can leave this blank ( e.g Salad, Herbs, Citrus fruits, berries, Flour, Beef, Seabass etc..)
  • Ingredient cost: no need to put in currency symbol just put in price per unit. Use decimal points
  • Unit size: this is the size of the unit you buy (e.g for a 3kg box of tomatoes you would put in 3)
  • Ingredient unit: this is the unit that you purchase it in (e.g for a 2Lb box of beans you would put in lb)
  • *Ingredient Net weight: This is also optional so you can leave blank (used for yielding or a net weight of a product if you need to put this in – if you put a quantity in this will supersede your unit size in your calculations). See note below on yielding.
  • Optional column can be left blank

Any columns with a * can be left blank.

Price lists that include allergens

In your account settings you have the option of using our 14 official allergens or removing/adjusting/adding or editing them. When sending the template to your supplier, they just need to put a lower case ‘y’ where there is an allergen or may contain this allergen in the box on the spreadsheet.

When imported into the system, it will then automatically put the allergen into any sub recipes, recipes and menus as you type them.

If you are not going to adjust any of the 14 official UK and European allergens then you can use our supplied sheet – click here to download the ingredient template.

If you do wish to adjust any of them you can do this in your account settings and then export a sample ingredient price list and it will have your selected allergens on the list.

2.How to yield your ingredients

Creating a yield from your ingredients/products can be done in a number of ways and is a necessary component for creating accurately costed recipes. Here, we will give you some advice, guidance and some tips on how to yield and what the benefits are. With Kitchen CUT we have allowed our members to create yields in a number of ways that will ultimately add a higher level of accuracy, but also save a lot of time in the longer term. Click on the image to read the full article.

Yielding your ingredients by Kitchen CUT - Global Recipe Costing Software -

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3. How to import ingredients

Once you’ve got your ingredient lists organised, it’s a simple one-click upload to get your ingredients in to the system. You can watch a video here on how to import ingredients:

Kitchen CUT : How to import your ingredients from Kitchen CUT on Vimeo.

TOP TIP: Remember to save a copy of your ingredient spreadsheet to use as the master copy.

4. Ingredient uploading – troubleshooting

Sometimes errors will occur when uploading an ingredient file to Kitchen CUT. Here’s our top 5 tips checklist on uploading ingredient sheets in case of any issues.

  1. Is your file saved as an .xls? An .xlsx file will not upload, so check your file is saved as the correct file type.
  2. Have all of your ingredients got codes? A unique code is needed so that when you update the prices, the right product prices are updated. Where these aren’t supplied by your supplier, you can make up your own, but be sure each ingredient has a unique code.
  3. Is the data in the right columns? The system will be looking to read certain data in certain fields (e.g numbers in the pricing column etc)
  4. Make sure your cells do not contain any formulas. If you do find some cells with formulas, then you can copy the entire worksheet, then open a new worksheet and click ‘Edit, Paste Special’ and then under the paste options check values and click ok. That will then paste the finalised cell data without formulas. Then click save and import that file.
  5. If you make a mistake, don’t worry – you can delete your ingredients and start again. However, note that ingredients cannot be deleted once they have been used within a sub-recipe or recipe – this is a security feature to ensure you don’t delete date from any recipes you’ve created.

REMEMBER: If you have any questions, you can log a ticket with our technical support team who will be able to help you.


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