“Without a doubt, the service levels are excellent, and the response time is the absolute best we have encountered of any software product we have used around the world.”

“We have already seen incredible results from Kitchen CUT. Consistently we have seen a 2-3% increase in GP, which in March (one of our quietest months), represented £7,200.00 across the group.
Utilising Kitchen CUT has cut the time our teams spend ordering by more than 50%, before they had to endure a lengthy process, whereby they would manually walk-through their stores, jot down what needed ordering and phone through the order. With the addition of Market Lists, this process now takes them thirty minutes at most.
Area Stock Takes are revolutionary, we can now effectively spread this work load between the teams, with the stock takes being pre-set. Crucially, being able to tighten down on our live stock holding has really helped prevent the over-ordering. The team also use the supplier comparison tool to monitor prices of products being ordered in, and review as necessary.
I myself have worked in the Middle East, and Phil, our Ops Director has worked across America and Canada, and we both agree that client services from Kitchen CUT is incredible. Without a doubt, the service levels are excellent, and the response time is the absolute best either of us have encountered of any software product we have used around the world.”
Danny Lewis, Head of Culinary Operations, The Hunter Group.