Category: <span>Menu Writing</span>

Menu Writing

Menu Writing Lesson 4 : Menu Wording

One of the key tools for writing a successful menu is the dish description. In this next instalment of our guide to Menu Writing, we look at the do’s and don’ts of menu wording… Menu Wording Descriptive words should never be random, or thrown together carelessly. Why? Because: they present an image of your food…

Kitchen Finance - Menu Writing

Menu Writing Lesson 3 : Menu Pricing Strategy

Writing menus can be a lot of fun for chefs. It’s very exciting seeing your dishes listed in print: and hugely rewarding. But it’s all too easy to forget that the dishes must have the right price tag in order to enable them to make the best profit margins. Having a well-thought through Menu Pricing…

Menu Writing Lessons by Kitchen CUT - Global Recipe Costing Software -
Kitchen Operations - Menu Writing - Training & Development

Menu Writing Lesson 2 : Internal Menu Marketing Restaurants and hotels spend huge amounts of money on marketing through expensive advertising and PR-led campaigns. Hoteliers/restaurateurs devote time and effort to training the kitchen and service teams, however typically they pay little attention that their non F&B teams which play a vital marketing role in their business. In this article by John Wood,…

Menu Writing

Menu writing tips : menu presentation

MENU PRESENTATION In our series on how to write effective menus, we look at a range of topics and points for consideration. Here, we look at the importance of menu presentation and how to get it right for you.

Kitchen Finance - Menu Writing

Getting Started #5 – Using Menu Engineering Reports

The term menu engineering is used within the hospitality industry (mostly in the context of restaurants, hotels, catering businesses, cafes, pubs), but can be used in any business that makes and sells food or beverage. In this post, we look at what it is, how you use it and the impact it can have on…

New menu ideas by Kitchen CUT - Global Recipe Costing Software -
Kitchen Operations - Menu Writing

New menu ideas

Chefs often get caught between a rock and a hard place with managers requesting new dishes for menus, but time being tight. Inspiring your team to help develop new menu ideas to keep the boss happy is a good starting point…

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